Diary of Marcos: September 29, 1972 (Friday) – Martial Law Period

Sec. Vicente Abad Santos on the removal of judges: He is against the outright dismissal of civil service employees.

But I have decided to amend the civil service rules so as to add two new categories of punishment without going through a final hearing in addition to dismissal by an investigator. These are removal of those against whom charges are pending in which the evidence of guilt is strong and those that are notoriously undesirable so that it can be taken judicial notice of.

CIR judges have been removed except Judge Veloso and Paredes.


All Public Service Commissioners except Asst. Com. de Guzman also reorganized out.

I have asked Dr. Genaro de Bega to request Judges Wilfrido Angeles of Quezon City, Vivencio Ruiz of Makati, Herminio Mariano of Pasig to resign.

And I have dismissed 200 Customs men and 190 BIR men.

Kokoy reports that the International Press has become favorable.

Increased the allowances of the officers and men of the AFP.

Provided ₱13 million for the equipment of three new PA battalions.

Imelda is working on the commissary for the AFP.

Prices have gone down except sugar which is not available.

Tony Roxas Chua, the principal sugar trader has been arrested with others for price fixing.

Am writing Pres. Nixon on the reasons for Martial Law.

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