Philippine Army recognizes Marcos’ Medal of Valor Award

Pinatunayan ng Philippine Army na isa si dating pangulong Ferdinand E. Marcos sa mga binigyan ng Medalya ng Kagitingan (Medal of Valor) at binansagang “Matapang na tagapagtanggol ng ating demokrasya“.

Ito ang detalye na nakasulat sa Philippine Army website tungkol kay 3Lt. Ferdinand E. Marcos.

“For extraordinary gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty in a suicidal action against overwhelming enemy forces at the junction of Salian River and Abo-Abo River, Bataan, on or about 22 January 1942.


As Combat Intelligence Officer of the 21st (Lightning) Division, USAFFE, then THIRD LIEUTENANT MARCOS, by active patrolling, had earlier successfully reconnoitred and located the 9th Infantry Regiment under Colonel Susumi Takechi (identified through interrogation of prisoners captured by him), an enemy infiltration force experienced in jungle fighting, which skirted the west flank of the 51st Division, Philippine Army, on Mount Natib, and encircled the left flank of the II Corps, USAFFE, at the Abucay line. He had also discovered units of this Regiment strung in a line southward along the Abo-Abo River. Having been routed, General Jones 51st Division had been forced to withdraw three miles north of its position along the Abucay line of defense at Barrio Guitol, Balanga, and even by its repeated counterattack with the support of other units, had failed to re-establish its position, thereby greatly weakening the Bataan first line of defense and opening it to encirclement, as the enemy was proceeding to do with the use of the 9th Infantry Regiment.

Thus, notwithstanding the fact that he had just been captured and tortured by the enemy, and realizing that the defense of the Salian junction was crucial to the entire USAFFE strategy and that it was unprotected because all units in accordance with plans and orders were withdrawing southward to a new line of defense along the Pilar-Bagac road, then THIRD LIEUTENANT MARCOS, without awaiting orders from his superiors, hastily organized a company-size blocking force from remnants of the 3rd Battalion, 21st Infantry, 21st Division and stragglers of the 51st Division. With his personal example of extraordinary bravery, heroism, and daring, and amidst intense enemy small and higher calibre weapons fire, he led these erstwhile demoralized men in a fierce fight toward the river junction, attaining his objective after suffering severe casualties. In utter disregard for his personal safety and with an unrelenting desire to hold the river junction at all costs, he set up an inspired defense against Takechi’s attacking elements, inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy. For five days from 22 to 26 January 1942. He and his men stubbornly held their position at the junction in spite of additional severe casualties suffered, and successfully blocked the enemy’s determined advance until the II Corps had withdrawn from the Abucay line to re-establish a second line of defense at the Pilar-Bagac road. Finally, satisfied that they had accomplished their mission, they fought their way back to the USAFFE lines.

By this deed of personal bravery in the face of overwhelming odds and with only a hundred fighting men against a regiment of about 2,000 highly trained and well-equipped Japanese troops, MAJOR MARCOS prevented the possible decimation of the withdrawing USAFFE troops and delayed considerably the inevitable fall of Bataan.”